Topics Needing a New Champion
The following curriculum has been developed but has not been recently updated. Champions are responsible for making modifications as needed and ensuring curriculum stays up to date.
Adult Medicine and Critical Care
- Pneumonia
Behavioral Science
- Grief Management and Adjustment Disorders
- Substance-Related Disorders
Community Medicine
- Common Clinical Problems in Urban Settings
- Environmental and Socioeconomic Health Determinants
Emergency Medicine and Urgent Care
- Deep Venous Thrombosis – Pulmonary Embolism
- EKGs
- Mass Casualty
- Renal Colic and Nephrolithiasis
- Trauma Workshop - Introduction
- Trauma Workshop - Abdominal Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Geriatric Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Pelvic Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Penetrating Neck Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Pregnancy Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Spinal Cord Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Thermal Trauma
- Trauma Workshop - Thoracic Trauma
End of Life Care
- Addiction, Habituation, and Dependence
- Sensory Impairment
Maternity Care (Obstetrics)
- Episiotomy Repair Workshop
Medical Ethics
- Cultural Competency and Ethics
- Physician Impairment
Outpatient Clinic
- Physical Well-Being—Health Promotion
Pain Management
- Essentials of Pain Management
- Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO)
- Premature Infants
Women's Health
- Hormonal Contraception