Shared Curriculum for Family Medicine

Collaborating for quality graduate medical education

The Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource houses more than 200 peer-reviewed, case-based presentations, quizzes, and facilitators' guides for family medicine graduate medical education.

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Recently Updated Curricula

Nursing Home Care

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Acute Cystitis/Pyelonephritis

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The Exercise Perscription

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Screening, Diagnosis and Prevention of HIV

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Philosophy of Palliative Care

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Uterine and Ovarian Disorders

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Pediatric Metabolic Disorders

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Free Webinars

Best practices, practical suggestions, timely and relevant guidance and learning

The Residency Curriculum Resource - A Sustainable Approach to Scholarship

This webinar, presented by the editors of the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource, will explore how to make scholarship more approachable at your residency program.

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Supporting Bedside Teaching Using the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource

Find out how Just-In-Time Teaching curricula—now available through the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource—can be used during inpatient rounds and in the ambulatory center.

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How to Use the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource for Virtual Learning

This webinar offers practical, timely, and relevant advice about how to integrate the Family Medicine Residence Curriculum Resource quickly and easily into virtual didactics.

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How to Implement the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource

This introduction to the Family Medicine Residency Curriculum Resource suggests multiple strategies for engaging residents and integrating the curricula into didactic schedules.

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